Friday, August 29, 2008

Exercise #17

For this adventure I went to the shortlist of the winning websites in the Web 2.0 Awards. Under the Education category I chose Mango Languages, which gained second place. Here is the link:
This is a very good place to go to learn a foreign language at your own pace and in a fun and interactive way. At present 12 languages are available using a combination of written text and audio clips. The lessons are presented in a series of slides, which you control, so for example, if you need to hear a word or phrase spoken again you just click the back arrow.
You can view the first lesson without logging in, but to use the whole course you do need to
register. This is very quick and easy, and free too.
I think this site would be a valuable online learning resource for travellers and would grow in popularity and usefulness as it expands and adds more languages. Great fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My name is Steph and I'm a community manager with! Just wanted to share this resource with you as well. I think both Mango and eduFire have alot to offer a new language student. Check us out